Care for kids and staff :)

The field Health & Nutrition is a major pillar of Taramana.

Docosteocam and Mission 2 Mains, two Associations, have been working at the Taramana Magdalena Center for several days during the year since 2015.

  • Docosteocam brings together a group of Osteopaths who, through their treatment, can treat the suffering of children from disadvantaged backgrounds who have high levels of emotional issues.
  • Missions 2 Mains, is a micro-physiotherapy association. Their actions consist of providing care to the poor but also to former Cambodian doctors to this practice. This technique is complementary to medicine and allows for the treatment of many symptoms without the need for medication.


Listening to pain

Each child was able to be carefully examined for the time needed to study the pain they were complaining about and to explore for any ailments discovered during the session.
In Cambodia, social encounters are rarely tactile. Therefore, children are not used to being alone with someone who focuses specifically on their pain. The real challenge was to enter into contact with children while taking the necessary distance not to jostle them!
After a while a parade of children came in, the osteopathic work could then begin and the atmosphere of the room suddently changed. They were there all together, in silence, to take time to listen and to heal their bodies.

We would like to highlight the generosity of these two Associations who, in addition to having given time to each child, they also proposed their care to all the Taramana center centre (managers, volunteers, nurses, cooks …). Each of us were passed into the expert hands of professionnals for whom the language of the body often expresses better what is hardly expressed by the word.

A big THANK YOU for their loving care.